Scamming & Hacking
By Sheesh4
I am sure that you all have heard of "scamming". And if you've ever been unlucky enough to be the unfortunate victim of a scammer you know how much it can hurt. Don't be ashamed if you cried (in real life) and/or told your family, friends and pretty much any random, compassionate person who was willing to listen to you about who scammed you and what happened because you're not alone. I cried alot and told my family, my friends (on Animal Jam and in real life) and pretty much tried to spread the news so as many people as possible would be on the lookout for the person(s) who scammed me and be wary around them. But whether or not you have experienced being scammed before or not, any way you spin it scamming is cruel and sickening. The people who do it are pathetic creeps who care so much about themselves and the next thing they want that they are willing to trick people (even their friends) and steal their precious items. And what's even worse is that scammers can be very sneaky and a lot of them are actually very smart when it comes to how they go about getting someone else's items. There are many scamming techniques but one thing is the same for all scammers everywhere: they are losers who don't have a life.
***Click Here To Learn More About Scamming, Who Has Scammed Me, And How To Avoid Being Scammed***

~A List of Posts I've Made About Scamming/Scammers~
- Silverstein Is A Scammer
- Silverstein Scams Yet Again...
- Majesticdragon Has Turned Good

Hacking is definitely not as well-known (or as frequent) as scamming and unlike scamming hacking hardly ever happens. In fact, I have not yet heard of an actual valid hacking case as of currently. Hacking is when you gain access to something without authorized permission (for example someone's Animal Jam account that is not yours). I am pretty sure that out of the thousands (if not millions) of people that play Animal Jam there are less than one hundred people (if not less) who actually know how to hack. Most people are just threatening you if they say: "I'm going to hack into your account." But there are a small handful of people who actually know how to hack into people's accounts.
***Click Here To Learn More About Hacking And How To Avoid Being Hacked***
Silverstein Is A Scammer
Hey Jammers,
This is the first time that I have posted about a scammer on my blog because I don't really like to because I don't want to start up drama or get involved, but I have been hearing from multiple sources that Silverstein is a scammer. She has attempted to scam or HAS scammed many of my friends as well as people I don't know. I was in Jamaa just now and someone was saying Silverstein had tried to scam her by saying "My mom doesn't let me get clothes before trying them on," which is such a fail attempt to scam it's pretty pathetic in my opinion.
Luckily, the Jammer she tried to scam was a smart one. Silver has scammed many Jammers as I said, and I normally wouldn't post about scammers but I'm fed up with this one. Not only does she scam she is a liar. She lies and says she doesn't scam, but there are so many people who say she has tried to scam them or has that her lies mean nothing.
Oh, and if you're here to "object" that she is not a scammer give it a rest. I know what I have seen so many times - people accusing Silverstein of being a scammer. And that's NOT a coincidence.
Okay, I have flipping had it with this stupid scammer... She claims she doesn't scam. She denies it. She says she scammed in the past. But what do you know, I keep hearing about it. She scammed so many of my friends.

She also scammed Madeleine1431. She scammed her non-member glove which was a color that not many people had. (It doesn't matter what the flip you scam. Rareness plays only a small role in how much scamming hurts people. The fact that someone would be so low and mean and cruel to scam at all, even a common necklace that costs 45 gems, is just sad. It hurts. She also scammed Madeleine's real-life little sister. She scammed her worn.
This freaking witch needs to freaking stop. She is ruining
Jamaa for everyone. Please help by reporting her.
bands so I said "I'll trade a worn, a spike wristband and a collar" she said "thats not fair" so I said "Worn" again "thats not fair" I kept on saying worn until she said "a worns worth a rare bow and arrow" I looked at her trade list then I said "foxhat for the freedom bands" and again "thats not fair" I simply said "Foxhat" she said "thats not fair" so I dont know if shes really a scammer but shes quite mean.
Also report Wolfifi shes a scammed and nobody likes a scammer, she scammed Duke LargeNinja's NM bow and arrow and a rare.
Please also report Jammer956, she scammed a whole lot of stuff from Julain2 then making apology vids, watch Julain2's videos about her scamming him then watch Jasmin Hick's apology videos.
i fell sad for all the people who get scammed by silver stein.
ReplyDeletep.s alan425 buddy me i really want freedom wings
i think i am the only jammer reading this blog
Deletep.s alan425 here again
some one please please please please trade me freedom wings for my rare bow i beg you
Deletep.s guess who it is
alan425 again:)
I give credit to Animal Jam Insiders! I copied the whole thing off them! sorry, but the Jammer 956 and Duke LargeNinja thing was meh!
ReplyDeleteIf I owned freedom wings I' trade, but I'll try get U some :)
ReplyDeleteno i read it too its awesome :D
ReplyDeleteSomeone scammed my fox hat they said best decline and they took it I cried for like 2 hours and I didn't play Animal Jam for a week. The worst part is I don't remember their user!
ReplyDeleteWhy do scammers do this? Don't they know that they can earn monkey for the stuff? Right now, The adventures are open. Do any adventure. (If ur new, do the training, then easy mode and hard mode. Those are the only 1's u can do right now.) EVIL jammers should be BLOCKED AND REPORTED FOR THEIR CRIME!!! I went on AJ and when i got on, There was a buddy that NEVER buddied. That was strange. BE A JAMMER NOT A SCAMMER!!!! Remember to be a jammer, NOT A MEAN JAMMER!!!
ReplyDeleteBtw, babybunny00387 here. ^.^