By Genral Jitsu
One day, a young girl named Olivia, was in her garden and in her garden a tree, the tree was very old, she was just about to get ready to settle down and read a book,Dragon Rider, Olivia loved mythical creatures she had a book case full books about them, she even thought that in some distant land, animals could talk, she was right but she didn't know it. She laid back on the tree, and fell back just as a gust of wind blew into her direction, and it was taking her into the land of talking animals...
Chapter 1
As she got up wisps of rainbow coloured air which dropped her were vanishing, she got up in a unknown place, which was the Jamaa Town-ship, but Olivia didn't know at the time, she saw the Jam-Mart clothing store and the sale sign and went inside, she didn't see anybody inside , but she could hear people coming, she spotted the recycle box and hid behind, nobody saw her, she heared laughing and two people walked inside, Olivia thought they were people but, they weren't they were animals, she looked out from her hiding spot, one was a Arctic Wolf and another a Snow Leopard, she was frozen with fear, the Snow Leopard said "Ugh! can't we just go Club Geos already?" the Arctic Wolf answered
"Not yet I need to buy a necklace, so until I get one, were not leaving!" they both sounded like girls, and all Olivia could think about was how could they talk? Their animals it's impossible! their
brains couldn't have developed how to talk!
Once both the Snow Leopard and the Arctic Wolf left she sprang out of her hiding place, and ran out the door, but carefully, she didn't want to catch attention from the Arctic Wolf and Snow Leopard, she was constantly looking uncomfortably around, frightened the Snow Leopard and the Arctic Wolf or any other animal spot her, she was concerned about what they would do to her, she thought they would tare her to shreds, claw her apart, or something far far worse.
Chapter 2
She blindly walked into the forest, were all the Jammers were, training for their clans, and most out hunting with their clans or loners, she saw the slide and thought to herself, what if there's those talking animals were down that side? so she looked for another way to get down from the tree tops, she found the stairs on the tree and walked down, there were loads of Jammers at the other side so she luckily went down the right side, and missed getting spotted, but she walked into the wrong place and at the wrong time, she got spotted by one Jammer who yelled out "HUMAN!" and everybody just growled, snarled, and made an attempt to claw at her, but only one Jammer took kindness to Olivia, and that was a Arctic Wolf she said "Please, don't be afraid, it's okay" she turned to the other Jammers and said"You should be ashamed of your selves! you can clearly see she's lost!" and turned back to Olivia, who was trying to run away, and said"Come on we'll go to my den" and she smiled, whilst Olivia was left in a puzzled look and in a scarce tone said"Whats a den?" all the Jammers looked at her and laughed, whilst the Arctic Wolf replied"A den is a home, and im WinterBlossom and whats your name?" Olivia looked at her an said whilst staggering to her feet as the tripped on a rock when everybody was laughing at her
"I-I-Im Olivia" WinterBlossom looked at her in and said" Well Olivia, that's a nice name" and she smiled sweetly and took Olivia to her den.
Chapter 3
When they finally got got to WinterBlossom's den there was a Arctic Wolf there, he had dark grey fur and his name was ThunderStorm, ThunderStorm said in a tone of disbelief"A human?"WinterBlossom just said
"Well, she is really lost, and if she's left out there she'll get attacked, eaten or something worse"ThunderStorm looked at WinterBlossom and said"okay, she can stay, but I don't want to smell of human!" WinterBlossom nodded her head, and got Olivia a cup of coca, and told her all about Jamaa.
Olivia fell asleep, dreaming about what other mythical creature is real, when she got awokon by ThunderStorm and he coldly said"Common you got some training to do!" then jerked out of her chair given a bow and arrow, a cross bow and a sword and dragged into the front garden. Olivia will never forget the training given, all the agonising pain, all the running up and down, all the shooting of arrows and all the sword lashing. ThunderStorm knew she was ready to face the other Jammers, and go out hunting.
Chapter 4
Olivia was sent out to hunt, she didn't want to but she had to, she saw a penguin, a wooden blur and the penguin was down, she jerked the arrow out, it was covered in blood and it had a ring of blubber around it, a rabbit,also known as a bunny, wooden blur, a sad sad sight a bunny down, a pool of blood was beginning to come from where the arrow hit, all the Jammers stared in desbelief, eyes wide open and all Olivia said was"Just stair at the human in shock bam horror!"picked up her kill and walked off to WinterBlossom's den, all the eyes in the forest were on her.
She walked back to the den with her prize, ThunderStorm was annoyed with how much she captured, but at the same time pleased, and said tomorrow she would catch more, and so she went to sleep.
She was improving fast, so fast that ThunderStorm was always shocked with how much she caught, and they always sent her out once a week, as she always caught too many for a day, so instead they sent her once a week, but one day something was starting to Olivia...
The end of the beginning...
Olivia & Captain Gut
By Genral Jitsu
Olivia was getting better, fast, and something was changing, and over the next month, those little changes, have became the new and improved, and by became new, I mean it, she has now become a Arctic Wolf, she can also shape ship, into anything she wanted, the other Jammers could do the same, but they couldn't be anything they wanted, if they wanted to be a Robin, they needed Olivia, sometimes she said no, and when she made-up her mind, you couldn't change it.
Chapter 1
One day, whilst out hunting, she saw what she had saw only a month ago, rainbow wisps, but something wasn't right, something was wrong, something was happening, a purple vortex appeared, green rocks were spinning around the purple vortex, a black creature with eight appendages emerged from the purple vortex, after more came flooding out, like a river of blackness, a black swarm, she howled, and some three Jammers came, they saw what Olivia howled about, phantoms, they've came to take over Jamaa...
Chapter 2
After Olivia knew the name of the creature she yelled out "PHANTOMS THE PHANTOMS ARE HERE!" one Jammer said "Do you even know what a Phantom is Olivia?" and the reply he got was a punch to the face and he simply said"My goody greif, you were right THE PHANTOMS ARE HERE THE PHANTOMS ARE HERE GET THE ALPHA'S, GET THE ALPHA'S!"
It was like it was the apocalypse, people running everywhere, and just to get away from the phantom invasion, it was all man(and woman) for themselves, but if they had a family, they might have cared about that, only a few clan and pack leaders stayed back and fought back at the phantoms.
Chapter 3
Olivia was the only loner, she fought as hard as she could, with all her training ThunderStorm had given her, she used it all, she even used her own techniques and some shed seen whilst hunting, Olivia,single handled, managed to rid Jamaa from phantoms, she had done what no other Jammer or Alpa had managed to do, the Alpa's took credit, but nobody cared, even the most powerful Jammer couldn't rid Jamaa of phantoms, but Olivia had, she was asked to join many a great clans and packs , Thunder Clan, Ice clan, Stone Clan, Forest Clan and Music Clan, Spirit Pack, Thunder Pack, Moonlight Pack, Hunter Pack and the Warrior Pack, she refused them all, instead, she took the liberty of starting her own clan, Stone Clan, all the kits had left their own clan to join the Spirit Clan, she refused, they had to ask their parents about if they could join, their parents said okay, she trained them the same way she was, soon clans were asking when she was out hunting if they could be allies she said yes, there was an evil side of Jamaa, then a good side, they were the good side, so they kept together to find out what the Thunder clan were planning. People were soon lining up to become a member of the clan, she had 1 med cat 2 med cat apprentices, a trainer and trainer apprentice, and a deputy.
Chapter 4
Olivia was under alot of stress, she had to get the den prepared, and what was making it trickier, was the Kits, they were running around like mad, if she wasn't with WinterBlossom she would've gone bonkers, but she didn't she kept her cool, ThunderStorm helped her move, her furniture and help her with the overall look of her clan den, it was an amazing clan den in the history of clan/pack dens she was known to Jammers as Olivia but now, she was known as Cheif Major Ghost, Commander IcyLeopard, General ArcticGhost, Duchess WingedClaws and Major MajorMajor her clan was going on great until one day, something happened...
Chapter 5
One day, she was with her clan out hunting, she came across a guy, Captain Gut, he looked sad, so she let the clan continue hunting and she walked up to him, and asked "whats wrong?" He replied
"My girlfriends cheating on me" Olivia took a second to think then said "Well, if shes cheating on you dump her" he then said to Olivia "You single?" Olivia replied
"Yesh why?" Capatain Gut looked at her shyly then said
"Will you?" Olivia knew what he meant, she nodded, her clan was almost complete, she had her Med Cat, her Med Cat apprentice, a trainer and trainer apprentice, and a deputy, she now had the heir to the clan, she was the queen he was the king. Captain Gut asked if she could come with him, she agreed, they went to Captain Gut's old girlfriends den, he padded up to her and said "Why did you cheat on me?" she replied
"IM NOT CHEATING ON YOU!" Captain Gut yelled
"YOU ARE YOUR CHEATING ON MT WITH COCO" She screamed at Captain Gut yelling "I JAMAGRAMED YOU SAYING "Goodbye" I DUMPED YOU! Olivia then got involved she began yelling and attacking anybody and everybody (Captian Gut not include) Coco got involved, he said "If you go i'll give you my spike" Captain Gut replied
"Give it now then i'll go" Coco kept saying no so Olivia said
"Go, if he doesn't give it then I'll be here, I wont move until you get that spike" but they never got it, so they reported both the people, and left
Chapter 6
After a month or two, Captain Gut took Olivia to a restaurant, they still had their clan stuff on, who knows, they could get ambushed, Captain Gut did the most romantic thing, he proposed! Olivia said yes, they were so in love that only a month or two into their relationship, their engaged. They were at Captain Guts den, planning the wedding, when Stone Heart came and sat down and asked whats going on, she looked at the scroll, it read "WEDDING GUESTS" Stone Heart looked at them in disbelief and said "is this true?" Captain Gut and Olivia nodded and grinned, Stone Heart started jumping up and down, her tail swishing in joy, Iron Claw, one of the warriors heared the commotion, and wondered in, saw the same thing then said "Is that what shes jumping about? but, congrats" Iron Claw wasn't very sympathetic, he once had a ladie in his life, she got turned into a phantom, he tryed all he couldto turn her back to normal, all he managed to do was give her a free mind and turn her white, shes now the leader of the Phantom Resistance, one of the kits, Night Paw,heared and bounced in, and started yelling "YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY!" Stone Heart said
"OKay..... Lets see the ring" Olivia showed her paw, it was gleaming, amazing.
Phantom Attack
By Genral Jitsu
The big day came, a day of happiness,but something terrible would destroy the happiness...
Chapter 1
Olivia & Captain Gut's big day came, Captain Gut was wearing a black suit, Olivia, she was wearing a elegant, flowy, puffy, black dress, she walked down the isle, up onto the podium, and they got legally married, their weapons were with the clan, under their seats, and a good thing too, as an attack was planned...
Chapter 2
Outside the window, was a dark, malevolent, malign, sinister, evil looking shadow with eight appendadges appeared out of the window, the phantom prince had come...
Stone Heart, Iron Claws, Night Paw, Silver Dawn, Ash Fur, Dark Claw, Claw Stalker and Ice Fangs leaped out their seats, tossed the sword to Captain Gut, he was ready, Iron Claws took a Cross Bow, and aimed, Ash Fur took a Bow And Arrow then thought, nah, Night Paws a kit so she needs it, then gave the Bow And Arrow to Night Paw, she aimed, whilst the others got anything else, Olivia got a sword, she never knew how much she would need it...
Chapter 3
SMASH! The Phantom Prince had crashed through the stain glass, he roared "You have killed my father, now take the punishment!" he raised his tentacle then swiped at Olivia, she jumped over it, just in time too she spoke as loudly as she could "Phantom Prince, I do not under stand what your talking about" he replied in anger
"HOW COULD YOU NOT UNDER STAND! HE WAS MURDERED THIS MORNING 9:00 I KNOW IT WAS YOU!" they looked behind him, midnight black, you could only see a little white, the phantoms eyes, bobbing up and down up and down Olivia said
"Phantom Prince at that time I was making sure everything went to plan, the wedding cake, the venue, the weather, my dress and Captain Guts suit and also the guests, so it wasn't any of us who did it, but we'll be happy to help" the Phantom Prince looked around, he never knew he was destroying a wedding he apologized and agreed to work with them to find whoever killed his father and bring them to justice, except a little more robot phantoms afterwards...
Olivia had gotten out of her wedding dress, gotten on her Sword, Cross Bow and Bow And Arrow, everybody did, in case there was any trouble, they followed the Phantom Prince, he summoned up a green vortex, like Olivia had seen before, and jumped in, was it a trap, or was it real?
Chapter 4
They landed with a bump, they went towards the massive castle of darkness and above it, was a swarm of black birds, it was terrifying for Night Paws and Dark Paw, they were only kits, but the walked on, inside they went into the Phantom Kings room, a big fat black blob opened his eye then shut it hoping nobody saw it, they did, he lunged at them, The Phantom Prince defended them and yelled "THEY CAME TO FIND OUT WHO APPARENTLY KILLED YOU!" he picked them all up then went back to Jamaa, The Phantom King came chasing after them with a swarm of phantoms soon, there was a great battle but who would win?
Chapter 5
In the battle Olivia was probably the most angry, swish, swosh, phantoms lying everywhere, clan and pack leaders working together, but The Phantom Prince had by far destroyed the most phantoms, all that was left was The Phantom King, everybody running towards him, even The Phantom Prince had pitched in, he did it all defeated him, The Phantom King screamed. The Phantom Prince turned white, the leader of The Phantom Resistance floated up to him then said "Welcome to The Phantom Resistance"
The End
The Phantom King
By The Phantom Lore Club

The phantom king has been defeated more than once by the alphas by tearing him apart, but he always is pieced together by his goons.Keep an eye out for a large phantom...and here is some of the few biographies made about this tyrant.
The Phantom Monster is a large phantom shown in the Animal Jam video, "Return of the Alphas." It was a large phantoms that may have been the king of the Phantoms, but met it's demise when the Alphas attacked it's body.Who knows when this king will finally be defeated by a hero?

By The Phantom Lore Club
Sir Gilbert polished Zios's mask, and stared deep into Zios's eyes. The eyes were long black, with sadness and misery in them, but Sir Gilbert felt like that. He had been shunned just because he had saved Jamaa, and it was Amelia's destiny to feel pain during her life anyway, so scaring her wasn't avoidable. He stared at his double-looped ring, remembering the time Greely had crafted him this ring from elf steel. Suddenly, he was in a flashback.
Sir Gilbert was pacing the length of the hut, angry. Just because he was proud didn't mean that he didn't have the ability to help. Amelia's first self had been right, sometimes the alphas could be selfish. Only Greely stayed with him, as Greely had been hideous all his life, just because the phantoms had sworn an oath to him in his early days and gave him his powers in exchange for his handsomeness.
"Those flipping alphas should've brought me to help them show new Jammers around!"Sir Gilbert spat angrily. He unsheathed his claws, sheathed them, and unsheathed them again, stared at his bullet scar, and read the labels on his merit badges, yet the alphas still did not return. He cursed, but then Greely rushed up to him, and looked at him funny.
"What?"he demanded. Greely looked at him head to toe, then took some metal out of the Duat, as the African alphas had taught every alpha, to an extent that often made even the iron-stomached Cosmo vomit.
Before Sir Gilbert could ask, Greely seared the scrap metal into a perfect double ring, and placed two shards of the tiger spirit stone and placed them on each ringlet.
"Your ring is ready,"Greely muttered. Sir Gilbert trusted his metalwork, as his wave anklets were Greely's doing, but he took the ring warily. He put it on his paw, and a thousand knifes seemed to pierce his paw padding. As soon as the pain jabbed him, it eased.
"Why,..thank you."he told Greely, not sure what to say. Greely melted into shadow, and Sir Gilbert had to remind himself that Greely had been there.
Sir Gilbert looked at his bullet scar, and disregarded it. One little strip of flesh and an early death was all he needed to become one of the most powerful animals- the Alphas. He looked at the brand Mira had burned on his paw, and had a short flashback.
"Mira, I am done training, and I would like to become a true alpha now." Sir Gilbert told the grey heron. Mira smiled.
"Well, you have proven yourself worthy by training under my wing. I shall brand you, and you will become an Alpha, but you may have to endure many years of sharing suffering with your kin. Are you ready?"she asked him. Sir Gilbert hesitated, then nodded. Mira closed her beautiful eyes, and started to glow. Blue wisps came from her body, and collected in a spot that would normally be partially hidden by his armor. They started to burn into his fur, and Sir Gilbert had to bite his lip to refrain from yowling. The wisps branded, and formed the outline of Mira, along with the word SHAMAN on it. Mira seemed to have slipped into the future when she had called him an "alpha", and Sir Gilbert preferred the name SHAMAN to alpha. Only Greely was seen fit to carry that name. Suddenly, the other shamen gathered around him.
"Gilbert, Gilbert!"they chanted, and he suddenly grew to adult size. He smiled.
"I am ready to avenge you, Mira."he told her.
Sir Gilbert cleaned the mouth of Zios's mask. It was a hole, but he saw his claw marks inside there. He shuddered. Gilbert knew that he had been foolish not to let his guard down and let Zios surrender, as he was now plunged into misery. Gilbert licked his paws free of grease, then continued. The plaque under Zios's eyes had so much history to it, Sir Gilbert couldn't bear the thought of washing that in the sacred water, especially since it was the tears of Mira, a substance that could taint any soul that dared drink it.
"Need help?" a voice said from behind him. He yelped, and saw a white phantom behind him, one of the phantom rebels. They were the only phantoms the alphas were ordered NOT to destroy on the spot, and had aided them in the Alpha's frequent missions.
"Sure,"he told the she-phantom. Her name was Serena, and she was the queen of the rebels. Like Peck or Ruby, she was a sworn maiden, so there was no king. Arrows that could kill an elephant were notched in her crossbow, and her arms had poisonous spikes she could unsheath like claws in her skin. She helped him wash the grime and rust off Zios's once-glorious mask. The emeralds in his eyes and the cone-like shapes beneath his eyes faintly shimmered with hints of copper and gold in it, and the sand scraped off the blood on the lower part of the mask. Sir Gilbert wished he had gotten better chores, like Peck got to paint signs for the lands that were opening soon, and Cosmo got to dissect phantoms, but noooo, Mira had assigned him to polish Zios's mask.
"So... anything new today? Like from Mira?" Serena asked him. Her voice was so enchanting, Sir Gilbert blushed.
"Ummmm... just some news that the Cithara Order have relocated themselves in the Ice Palaces, and that Mira is slowly working her way out of her stone now." Gilbert said. Serena nodded.
"Can we camp in the forgotten base in the Zios pit? Rare jewels are yummy, and are a good snack. Especially the green jewel that once was."Serena asked him. Sir Gilbert dug it up, and the emerald glowed. Since it was useless, Gilbert let Serena take a bite out of it. Suddenly, he was in another flashback.
The day that the emerald of Jamaasian culture was covered with notifications, Graham had to take it down because the jewel had died due to no exposure to sunlight. Graham had snuck into the township during the night, and shook the jewel off. He had teleported back, and the alphas had discussed what to do with it.
"We should put it in a museum!" Cornelius had suggested. Lisa had shook her head at that.
"No, we are too subdued by ignorance that we cannot accomplish such a thing without a burglar stealing it." she said.
"We could chip it into amulets and give one to each alpha." Greely had suggested. Sir Gilbert had shook his head at that.
"Divided, the stone is useless. United, the stone can feed us energy even when it dies."Sir Gilbert had told Greely.
"How about hiding it in the attic?" Peck had asked them.
"Nah, gathering dust would be too lowly for such an important jewel." Amelia said, shaking her head.
"Then why don't we just put it in stores????" Ruby cried, clearly getting impatient.
"The emerald is hard to duplicate, Ruby." Harper whispered. Ruby growled, and started ramming the wall, and Lisa had to walk over to her to calm her.
"Then, we should place it in the Temple Of Trivia treasury. Mira's and the elve's strongest enchantments protect that place, and no ordinary Jammer can access these archives. The sand also preserves the artifacts quite well." Amelia said. All the alphas nodded, and Graham yet again carried the cracked jewel, this time to the Temple of Trivia, and the emerald had been swallowed by the sand for quite a while.
Serena chewed, if a phantom with no mouth could, and swallowed.
"Tangy, with hints of chocolate." she muttered.
"And quite energizing. Can I take a piece to feed to my fellow rebels?" Sir Gilbert nodded.
"If the divided shards are digested, then the emerald will still retain it's power." Gilbert noted. He dipped his paw into the pool behind the waterfall.
" Do you know who the coming hero is?"he asked Serena. Serena stopped picking pieces off the emerald.
"No, but I can sense that a hero shall bat away the evil that has crept into the land as easily as a cow some pesky flies, soon." Serena muttered. Suddenly, Sir Gilbert was sent into a vision Mira had sent to him, and Serena sensed his panic as he was thrown into the Phantom Vortex.
Sir Gilbert saw Amelia and Harper battling phantoms in the vortex, where the phantom rebels usually stayed, and the phantoms they battled were clearly non-rebels. The rebels fought alongside them, and so did the alphas and their allies, including him. However, Sir Gilbert sensed that something was wrong, since these versions of the alphas were tired, as if eons of battling the evils tired them. Meanwhile, black fire enveloped Jamaa, and no light remained to put the fire out. The hero was going to come, and bat away the evil, but right now it seemed impossible. Suddenly, the Jammers screaming and hiding in their dens suddenly stopped panicking, and toughened up. They walked out bravely, and Apophis, the black fire, cackled.
"You heroes have come far too late to defeat ME!" the serpent cackled, and his serpentine eyes poked through the storm clouds, and unearthly cackling filled Jamaa. His eyes flashed yellow, and he seemed amused by the Jamaasian bravery he had waited so long for, but then an antlered wolf, Snowyclaw, stepped out of the crowd.
"I am Old Frozenspirit, and I shall rise as Mira! The Jamaasians shall bind you with our pure hearts! We shall drive away the evil for good!" Snowyclaw declared. And from her words, a grey heron was born, and grew to Apophis's side.
"I am Mira, and you, Apophis, the Chaos Snake and the Phantom Dictator, does not belong here! The good citizens of Jamaa shall fight you even in death, and the death of Zios will not stop us!" Mira declared. The Jamaasians roared, and charged, and suddenly had full battle armor on. Apophis's pupils narrowed to scared slits, and he watched in disbelief as his minions, the phantoms, were torn to crumbs by claw and tooth, beak and talon.
"Mira! We shall avenge you! Mira! Defeat Apophis!" the Jamaasians chanted. Apophis wailed in terror as the alphas, rebels, Mira and the Jamaasians hopped up to the stormclouds, and tore his eyes out. Apophis wailed and yowled as he disentigrated into a cloud of golden dust. The dust hovered, and swirled in a tornado until they formed Zios, reborn and as pure as ever. His eyes twinkled as he saw his brave creations.
"Jamaa, I am home. We, Father Sky and Mother Sky, shall never ever neglect our duties again."he said, and floated down to earth. Mira flapped over to Sir Gilbert, as she was the only one who saw him.
"We can achieve this, and the hero is the honest and pure citizens of Jamaa."she said, and he was pulled out.
Serena saw Sir Gilbert as he fell from the ceiling portal, and landed on the soft sand.
"So what was the vision?"she asked him. Sir Gilbert took a deep breath, and told her. Her eye twinkled.
"Mira tells us never to give up on hope! We shall keep fighting!"she cheered. Sir Gilbert smiled, and waded out to the Temple Of Trivia to tell the world the news, along with Serena.
The End Of The Beginning....
Peck's Pottery
By The Phantom Lore Club
Peck liked making pottery for Graham to store his tools in, as she made odd shapes of pots just for him. She also liked making pots for Cosmo, as they had to have labels of various plants, and she would paint the picture of the plants instead.Cosmo loved her work, and so she created pots for anyone who paid her enough gems. One day, Amelia asked her if she ever put her work on display.
"No,"Peck said, laughing."They are my work, and you have to pay me at least 750 gems for one." Amelia didn't look very happy.
"Well, then I will get you back!"Amelia snarled."Such beautiful pottery must be displayed."
After that, barely anyone came to Peck in her art studio for pots, and each day Peck thought it was a slow day. However, after two years only ten customers came.
"Could it be Amelia's fabled curse?"she wondered."After all, she is famous for her cursed vow, and learned the art of curse."Peck knew that that was true, and started to shape pots to hang in the canyon. She gathered wet sand from the riverbank,dyed it, and spun it into pots. Soon, she was ready to hang her pots on lines of thick rope.
"Close Sesame!"she shouted, and everyone was blocked off from the canyon. She strung the pots, and tied each end of each rope to a small alcove in the rock. She moved onto Coral Canyons, and soon Peck had displayed all the pots.
But she wasn't done, however. She painted the next batch of pots with runes and rare dyes, and crafted a small lean-to near the "bridge", and lay all the pots on a wool cloth.
"Open Sesame!"Peck shouted, and everyone was let in again. The Jammers streamed in to buy pottery, and gawked at her work. Peck grinned, and called out to Amelia, if she could hear her:
"I feel better now that everyone can buy my work and observe!"

"No,"Peck said, laughing."They are my work, and you have to pay me at least 750 gems for one." Amelia didn't look very happy.
"Well, then I will get you back!"Amelia snarled."Such beautiful pottery must be displayed."
After that, barely anyone came to Peck in her art studio for pots, and each day Peck thought it was a slow day. However, after two years only ten customers came.
"Could it be Amelia's fabled curse?"she wondered."After all, she is famous for her cursed vow, and learned the art of curse."Peck knew that that was true, and started to shape pots to hang in the canyon. She gathered wet sand from the riverbank,dyed it, and spun it into pots. Soon, she was ready to hang her pots on lines of thick rope.
"Close Sesame!"she shouted, and everyone was blocked off from the canyon. She strung the pots, and tied each end of each rope to a small alcove in the rock. She moved onto Coral Canyons, and soon Peck had displayed all the pots.
But she wasn't done, however. She painted the next batch of pots with runes and rare dyes, and crafted a small lean-to near the "bridge", and lay all the pots on a wool cloth.
"Open Sesame!"Peck shouted, and everyone was let in again. The Jammers streamed in to buy pottery, and gawked at her work. Peck grinned, and called out to Amelia, if she could hear her:
"I feel better now that everyone can buy my work and observe!"

Cosmo's Candies
By The Phantom Lore Club
Cosmo is a herbologist, yet he likes cooking. Here is a tale about his candy shop in the Township, hidden inside Club Geoz...
Cosmo's Candies
by Amy Jiao
Chapter One
"Stop munching on the plate!" Lisa scolded Cosmo as he dug into his enchiladas. He was a big eater, which Peck disliked since she had to go forage more, as Cosmo was a vegan, someone who eats only vegtables. Since today was the monthly Organic Plate day for the alphas, he anticipated eating the plate. On normal days, he would barely chew on the plate since they used weird chemicals to make them. "Butt Id likke platez."he mumbled, cornering the enchiladas on the last bit of his plate. Greely looked away in disgust as specks of grain plate stained his armor. "Why do you even WEAR armor to the dinner table?" Peck asked him, the brat she was every day. Greely growled. "Because you think your fork will attack you?"Greely snarled now."Because I can't have his messy eating ruining my fur!"He pointed a claw at Cosmo. "Well, then take a shower!" Cosmo was offended, but he didn't have time to acknowledge the fact. Greely pounced, and nailed a screaming Peck. She punched him, and he howled in pain. However, before more alphas could join in, Lisa broke them up. "Woah."she told them. "Stop that, dinner is over now." Harper went back , grumbling that she needed to fish now. Cosmo sadly took the plate to his room.
Chapter Two
Cosmo worked madly at his chemistry set. He had to get the recipe for chocolate Miras, he had to! He molded a chocolate brick into a stunted grey heron shape, and tried to smooth out the edges before pouring caramel filling through a hole in her back. He tried the chocolate."Yuck!" he cried, and spit it into a trash can. Now, he did the same thing, except for the fact that he put in nuts and molded Mira around the nuts. Better. He tried to make other candies, such as Mars Bars that took you to Mars and some caramel Zios masks you could wear, but most failed. He sighed, and went to bed.
Chapter Three
"Can I purchase some land for my private candy shop?" Cosmo asked the owner of Club Geoz, Willy "Funhouse" Djclaw. "Sure, that'll cost 30,000 gems." Willy said. "Opening a party shop?" "No, a candy shop, Mr. Djclaw."Cosmo replied. Willy's slitted eyes lit up, if a snake's eyes can light up."Fabulous!" he said. "I'll take your payment." As Cosmo gave him the pouch of gems, his eyes went into a slit mode."Say, don't you look like that koala alpha Cosmo..."he muttered. "Oh! Uh... My mother named me after Cosmo and tried to make me look like him!" he stammered. "Now, that's a weird mother. You look exactly like him."Willy hissed. So much for the "funhouse" title. "Uh... Gotta dash to open it!"Willy sighed, and went back to overseeing his party.
Chapter Four
Cosmo slammed the door shut, and breathed a sigh of relief. The old candy shop Willy had closed down many years ago was super stinky, and dead spiders decorated the floor. Cosmo didn't want to arouse suspicion by using magic, but otherwise it would take him a month and another 30,000 gems to renovate the shop. "Cleanamus, runeamus!" he whispered. Vines grew from the ceiling, and a few koalas climbed up a tree."Nope. Clearanus, runeamus!"he said. The vines and tree retracted, and magical dusters, vacuums and brooms cleaned the place up.He placed some jars of his candies on the counter, a cash register, more candies in the glass display cases, a free samples bowl, and a small candy machine, then some gumball machines and plants, and little decorations and a few arcade games. "I'm ready!" he yelled to Willy. The door opened, and Willy gasped, since the room had ben renovated in a record of 30 minutes."The grand opening will be soon."he squeaked.
Chapter Five
Soon,small ones started to arrive, and even Mira herself attended, using her spirit to attend. She signed autographs and told everyone how she was asleep inside her statue, waiting for a hero to awaken her. The little ones and even some teens squealed with excitement when they thought that they could be the hero, but the adults looked more panicked. "What will we do without you!" they cried. "We are being modernized by our new leader!"Mira looked shocked. "Modernized!"she exclaimed."My hero must come quickly, lest all the legends be destroyed."Cosmo sighed, since a prophecy said that a hero would come, revive Mira and Zios, destroying the phantoms. That was far-fetched right now because of the modernization, but prophecy demands the hero come next year. After she shared some myths, she got out some scissors. Slowly, the blades came toward the red ribbon...slowly...SNIP! All the little ones rushed in to get their candy.Cosmo had to keep brewing more candy to keep up with the demand for chocolate Miras, flying suckers, and moonrocks. Anyone who ate his chocolate Miras strengthened Mira(Cosmo noticed that, so he labeled the Miras 50% off so that she might bust out of her statue by herself), the flying suckers gave the eater the ability to fly, and moonrocks ported you to the moon. When it was time to close up shop, Cosmo grinned. He could now eat candy without any probelms with Willy Hersheya.

Otto's Journey
By The Phantom Lore Club
Otto is a lesser alpha,one who likes trade and sometimes even trades new jammers a gecko plushie for nothing!He is a mysterious figure,one who imposes a threat to small bunnies.Let's peek at the past of this gentle pachyderm...
Chapter One
"Father,what is that tree?"
Otto asked his father.
"Otto,that is Moko,the elephant god."his father relpied.
"Tell me the legend!Please?"
His father sighed,and got a faraway look just looking at the baobab tree shaped like an elephant.
"A long time ago,Africa was a land of landfills and evil.Spirits of chaos roamed our land,terrifying the few inhabitants.As the animals were driven to extinction,Moko was born from their last prayers.Everywhere he stepped,life overcame death.Jungles and savvanahs grew in his path,choking the chaos.As soon as he reached the South Africa,Apophis rose to oppose him.'Brother,I cannot let you defeat my minions of Death and Chaos,and Life and Balance will make their last stand HERE!'Where Apophis stood,serpents of shadow crept over Moko.He resisted,but they binded him to his spot.When Moko could fight no more,he summoned a spear decorated with phoenix feathers and drove it into the shadow serpent's heart.Apophis died,but Moko did,too.Moko managed to travel here,and became that tree,which protects all of Africa today."
Otto was awestruck."Where did the spear go,Daddy?"he asked his father.
Otto's dad's expression became serious."Young Otto,you cannot go around asking questions like that,"he warned.
Otto looked disippointed.
"The rest of the scrolls were burned by the remaining followers of Apophis,and our defeat is still a touchy subject."
What Otto's dad didn't realize,though,was that his answer fed Otto's curiousity even more.
Chapter Two
Five years later...
Otto opened the stone door of Moko's temple,nested safely under his tree.Three moons ago,his father had died,leaving him as the elephant tribe's chief.All of the maidens in the tribe had gathered to dress him in his father's robes,which prepared him for this moment,the time where he would recieve a quest for the sake of his tribemates,from Moko.The musty smell of the temple made him want to plug his trunk,but he needed a paw to use.When he was six,Father had told him about Moko and the origin of Africa,which would prepare him for the war he would soon experience.The rhino tribe had accused the giraffe tribe of stealing their grass,while the giraffes accused the crocodile tribe of taking their trees.The only tribe that wasn't fueding right now was his,but Otto was sure that an accusation would be made soon.The torches on either side of him were blazing green,which made no sense to Otto.Wasn't the color of fire red?When he got to Moko's little altar,he saw the elephant warrior and the Egyptian chaos serpent Apophis battling each other,frozen as statues.Apophis was in pieces somewhere in Uganda,but Moko's spirit was trapped in this tree,radiating life.The green spirit of Moko fluttered around in the chamber,trying to warm up Africa in these dark times.Statues of Moko supporting the stone ceiling,in full battle armor,showed any tresspasser that Moko wasn't someone to mess with.His bulging muscles was enough to scare his fellow chiefs,the rhino chief Ruby,the giraffe chief Edmund,and the crocodile chief Cornelius.The small brazeir in the center of the room glowed green,as all the torches did,making Moko's skin look reptilian.Otto walked up to the central statues,and dumped some acai berries into the sacrifical bowl,along with half-dead scarabs extracted from Egypt.He began his prayer to Moko.
Chapter Three
"Oh Moko,answer my call."Otto cried to the vent in the ceiling,leading up to Moko's burial chamber,where his spirit was coming from.The mist was slowing down it's cycle through the chamber now,as if it was listening."My father has died,and our beloved land is being torn apart by the four tribes.O Moko,please send me advice."A tattered scroll floated down from the vent,and a fresh breeze smelling like fresh flowers and dry grass blew in.Otto grabbed the scroll with his trunk and unwrapped it.These words were etched on the papyrus clearly,as if the writer had freshly written the message.
Otto stared at the message in disbelief.As far as he knew,nobody had been up there in millenia!It was an honor to see Moko's coffin,but Otto didn't see how he was special."How will I fly?"he asked.New words were scrawled on the scroll,and Moko's voice seemed to resonate in his ears.
Otto imagined him,a one ton elephant,flying up toward the vent.Before he knew what was going on,he was floating into Moko's tomb and gawking at his sarcophagus.
Chapter Four
The tomb of Moko was grand,but vines had choked many of the urns andshabti,,making the place look like Moko hadn't bothered to spring clean it.Only one thing was sacrificed from the plant treatment,which was Moko's sarcophagus.Otto wanted to open it,revive Moko,but a force kept him away.The coffin radiated power,and the full spirit of Moko rose from it.He looked like a helephant,with a jeweled loincloth covering his front butt and a phoenix feather headdress.Moko trumpeted,and Otto smiled."My lord,speak."Otto said.Moko was given the ability to talk after millenia of silence."Otto,my son,you must unite the tribes against Apophis."Moko said."Other gods will play a part in this,but they do not matter right now.I shall inhabit you,use you as my host untill you have fulfilled your destiny.Giving is better than recieving,and you will sacrifice much to battle Apophis.Goodbye and hello,Otto."Moko's spirit disentigrated,and was sucked into his body.With a pop,the god of life was living inside his body."
Chapter Five
He went back to the huts,and his elephantskin awaited him nervously."What is the quest?"General Eltoto asked him impatiently.Otto gave them the truth calmly."We're going to gather the chiefs for a meeting at the oasis in Egypt."he said,"and try not to lead them into a slaughter.Impossibly impossible,isn't it?"
Chapter One
"Father,what is that tree?"
Otto asked his father.
"Otto,that is Moko,the elephant god."his father relpied.
"Tell me the legend!Please?"
His father sighed,and got a faraway look just looking at the baobab tree shaped like an elephant.
"A long time ago,Africa was a land of landfills and evil.Spirits of chaos roamed our land,terrifying the few inhabitants.As the animals were driven to extinction,Moko was born from their last prayers.Everywhere he stepped,life overcame death.Jungles and savvanahs grew in his path,choking the chaos.As soon as he reached the South Africa,Apophis rose to oppose him.'Brother,I cannot let you defeat my minions of Death and Chaos,and Life and Balance will make their last stand HERE!'Where Apophis stood,serpents of shadow crept over Moko.He resisted,but they binded him to his spot.When Moko could fight no more,he summoned a spear decorated with phoenix feathers and drove it into the shadow serpent's heart.Apophis died,but Moko did,too.Moko managed to travel here,and became that tree,which protects all of Africa today."
Otto was awestruck."Where did the spear go,Daddy?"he asked his father.
Otto's dad's expression became serious."Young Otto,you cannot go around asking questions like that,"he warned.
Otto looked disippointed.
"The rest of the scrolls were burned by the remaining followers of Apophis,and our defeat is still a touchy subject."
What Otto's dad didn't realize,though,was that his answer fed Otto's curiousity even more.
Chapter Two
Five years later...
Otto opened the stone door of Moko's temple,nested safely under his tree.Three moons ago,his father had died,leaving him as the elephant tribe's chief.All of the maidens in the tribe had gathered to dress him in his father's robes,which prepared him for this moment,the time where he would recieve a quest for the sake of his tribemates,from Moko.The musty smell of the temple made him want to plug his trunk,but he needed a paw to use.When he was six,Father had told him about Moko and the origin of Africa,which would prepare him for the war he would soon experience.The rhino tribe had accused the giraffe tribe of stealing their grass,while the giraffes accused the crocodile tribe of taking their trees.The only tribe that wasn't fueding right now was his,but Otto was sure that an accusation would be made soon.The torches on either side of him were blazing green,which made no sense to Otto.Wasn't the color of fire red?When he got to Moko's little altar,he saw the elephant warrior and the Egyptian chaos serpent Apophis battling each other,frozen as statues.Apophis was in pieces somewhere in Uganda,but Moko's spirit was trapped in this tree,radiating life.The green spirit of Moko fluttered around in the chamber,trying to warm up Africa in these dark times.Statues of Moko supporting the stone ceiling,in full battle armor,showed any tresspasser that Moko wasn't someone to mess with.His bulging muscles was enough to scare his fellow chiefs,the rhino chief Ruby,the giraffe chief Edmund,and the crocodile chief Cornelius.The small brazeir in the center of the room glowed green,as all the torches did,making Moko's skin look reptilian.Otto walked up to the central statues,and dumped some acai berries into the sacrifical bowl,along with half-dead scarabs extracted from Egypt.He began his prayer to Moko.
Chapter Three
"Oh Moko,answer my call."Otto cried to the vent in the ceiling,leading up to Moko's burial chamber,where his spirit was coming from.The mist was slowing down it's cycle through the chamber now,as if it was listening."My father has died,and our beloved land is being torn apart by the four tribes.O Moko,please send me advice."A tattered scroll floated down from the vent,and a fresh breeze smelling like fresh flowers and dry grass blew in.Otto grabbed the scroll with his trunk and unwrapped it.These words were etched on the papyrus clearly,as if the writer had freshly written the message.
Otto stared at the message in disbelief.As far as he knew,nobody had been up there in millenia!It was an honor to see Moko's coffin,but Otto didn't see how he was special."How will I fly?"he asked.New words were scrawled on the scroll,and Moko's voice seemed to resonate in his ears.
Otto imagined him,a one ton elephant,flying up toward the vent.Before he knew what was going on,he was floating into Moko's tomb and gawking at his sarcophagus.
Chapter Four
The tomb of Moko was grand,but vines had choked many of the urns andshabti,,making the place look like Moko hadn't bothered to spring clean it.Only one thing was sacrificed from the plant treatment,which was Moko's sarcophagus.Otto wanted to open it,revive Moko,but a force kept him away.The coffin radiated power,and the full spirit of Moko rose from it.He looked like a helephant,with a jeweled loincloth covering his front butt and a phoenix feather headdress.Moko trumpeted,and Otto smiled."My lord,speak."Otto said.Moko was given the ability to talk after millenia of silence."Otto,my son,you must unite the tribes against Apophis."Moko said."Other gods will play a part in this,but they do not matter right now.I shall inhabit you,use you as my host untill you have fulfilled your destiny.Giving is better than recieving,and you will sacrifice much to battle Apophis.Goodbye and hello,Otto."Moko's spirit disentigrated,and was sucked into his body.With a pop,the god of life was living inside his body."
Chapter Five
He went back to the huts,and his elephantskin awaited him nervously."What is the quest?"General Eltoto asked him impatiently.Otto gave them the truth calmly."We're going to gather the chiefs for a meeting at the oasis in Egypt."he said,"and try not to lead them into a slaughter.Impossibly impossible,isn't it?"
The Mira Gate
By The Phantom Lore Club
In my previous Amelia's Vow post, I had mentioned the Lost Temple of Mira. However, the location disappeared from my blog for a while afterwards, and I have wondered, "Why did Mira's temple fall oh so long ago?" But now, I have the answer. This is as close as to what really happened, although Harper's magic may have tampered with it.
(P.S. Enjoy my new blog pet! She will be one of the future blog mascots as soon as all my pets mature. If I need to, I will add advertisements of the real deal to this blog to earn money for personal stuff. Have fun reading!)
Lisa snuck into Jamaa Township, carefully examining the center. Only a few wandering phantoms and late night Jammers stood in the square.
"What will I do?" she asked Mira through her cane. The pink gem glowed a bit, animal shadows floating around in it. Lisa almost ripped off a leaf to eat before Mira answered.
"Put the onlookers to sleep. Use a spell that will wear off at dawn. What I will say will take that long to discuss."Mira whispered. Lisa was reluctant, but she cast the spell quietly. When she was sure that everyone who could stop her and talk was asleep, she moved like a ninja to the crumbling shrine.
There, the turquoise statue of Mira stood, her eyes closed and her leg lifted as she was about to cry a phantom into existence, but had been frozen before her last birth. The statue hadn't changed even since Elvanto poisoned her.
Lisa took out Mira's stone, and rubbed it against the bronze. Fire slapped her, and she let go of the stone as it fused with the statue. The metal around it started to melt, and the outer shell crumbled to reveal the pure grey and brown bronze underneath, where it had frozen Mira just before she fell into a deep sleep.
"All hail to Mother Sky," she muttered as the coat slid off as easily as one would discard a T-shirt. Mira shook her head to get rid of her drowsiness. Lisa bowed, but Mira disregarded the gesture of respect. Mira always didn't like respect, because she gave all her respect to the ultimate creator of the cosmic powers, Zios. No god before him had existed, not even God, as the Jamaasians believed.
"Why did you summon me in my dreams?" Lisa asked Mira. "My dreams were pleasant enough sunbathing in Crystal Sands and boogieing with Captain Melville (my oh my, was he hunky when dreaming, Lisa thought) before you summoned me to the wilting willow tree. This message would better be good to sap Jamaa's powers for it, waking you before the right time, I mean." Mira didn't look impressed by Lisa's complaining.
"Necessity trumps ideals," Mira said. " Listen closely, because I am assigning a crucial mission to the African Alphas. The phantoms have unlocked the gate to my dreams in my temple, and therefore drain my energy through the gate. Only Otto, Ruby, Edmund and Cornelius together can find the key, and lock the door away forevermore."
Even when she spoke, Mira looked exhausted, and Lisa decided that they had about three days before Mira became a pure statue.
" As you wish, Mother Sky Of All Life." Lisa said, and dove into the woods just as dawn broke, splicing the stone from Mira and reenacting the curse.
"We have to go with this idiot!?!?" screeched Ruby and Edmund as Marco gently broke the news to them. Ruby and Edmund pointed at each other, hoof bending at hoof. Marco sighed.
"Yes, both of you. Swear on my implanted foot horns that you will cause no mischief." he said in a serious voice. Cosmo had once drilled metal thorns into Marco's feet, and now a gentle kick from him could dislocate your leg.
" We swear on Marco's stupid foot horns that we will cause ZERO mischief." Edmund and Ruby muttered reluctantly.
"I heard that!" Marco cried. Otto and Cornelius were packing in the room, and by the time that both Ruby and Edmund had brushed their teeth, they were ready for a two-day trip to the haunted ruins.
" A can of mace would be what the doctor ordered so that I can spray it on this idiot," Ruby and Edmund murmured at each other. When they heard the other's remark, they huffed and turned away. The rest of the trudge to the northern ruins was silent, even among Otto and Cornelius.
When they arrived, the Parthenon-style temple rose dauntingly before them, as if the entrance wanted to swallow the quartet. The inner courtyard was large, with many small temples inside and a exact replica of Mira's statue in the middle, but phantom sentries patrolled the entire border.
"What shall we do?" Edmund muttered.
" We can't kick our way out of this..." Cornelius added.
"...But we'll have to do some punching, too." Ruby and Otto muttered as they stood on two legs and got their paws ready for combat.
The initial battle was short-lived, as the Alphas had a larger pool of knowledge than the sentries, and soon dead globs of dark tears lay on the ground, slowly disintegrating into the fabric of time and space. They entered the gates,but with dismay entered only to see a gatekeeper's post.
"Greetings, young ones," the elder kestrel perched on a leg of the phantom-shaped wheel hissed. The eye inside of the rock peered in all directions, yearning for something beautiful to pop up in the courtyard.
" We are the Time Gatekeepers, servants of Mother Mira. However, the mistress is gone for now, and we cannot rid the temple of these pesky pests of phantoms." the stone frog babbled on the other arm. The mist coming from it's mouth spoke, and had some sort of specter's feel to it. A blue gem on it's fat belly swirled with mystery, sometimes glowing like a prism in light.
"So, is it riddle time?" Cornelius asked the Gatekeepers, ready for the first question.
"Very well, overgrown lizard. What runs around a field, but doesn't move and hurts the mind after a while?" the kestrel snarled, it's graying feathers ruffled by his rudeness.
" It's a fence, since it runs along a field's borders. It hurts the mind after some gazing from the interior, for the prisoner is maddened by being bound" Ruby said. The kestrel looked emotionless.
"Correct, Charger-and-Crocodile-Trampler. Now, for the next riddle." the stone frog said. Cornelius's back still ached where Ruby had trampled him.
"What plays but only speaks?" the kestrel asked them all.
"A loudspeaker!" Edmund cried.
"Correct,"the stone frog said, it's voice distant. The blue mist had been distracted by some yummy vines on the pillars.
"Finally, what spews smoke, is a mind-slave, and runs at 200 mph maximum?" the kestrel asked them. Clearly, it was a Twoleg item, because even its partner, the stone frog, looked baffled.
After moments of silence, Cornelius answered after Sophia had instructed him in Twoleg Studies.
"It's an automobile!" he cried. The kestrel smiled, and the frog looked amazed by his speed.
"You may pass, but beyond the wheel is danger. Rest here while you can, for you are locked here until you fulfill the full extent of your mission," the stone frog warned. The two spirits dissipated into a cool breeze, and flew away. The wheel turned, and it became a cross embedded in the soil. The cross seemed to radiate good, because all the phantoms were wary around it. One unlucky sentry got burned up getting too close.
"We shall rest,as the Time Gatekeepers are true to their word," Otto said. The other African Alphas followed his example without any defiance.
To be continued...
(P.S. Enjoy my new blog pet! She will be one of the future blog mascots as soon as all my pets mature. If I need to, I will add advertisements of the real deal to this blog to earn money for personal stuff. Have fun reading!)
Lisa snuck into Jamaa Township, carefully examining the center. Only a few wandering phantoms and late night Jammers stood in the square.
"What will I do?" she asked Mira through her cane. The pink gem glowed a bit, animal shadows floating around in it. Lisa almost ripped off a leaf to eat before Mira answered.
"Put the onlookers to sleep. Use a spell that will wear off at dawn. What I will say will take that long to discuss."Mira whispered. Lisa was reluctant, but she cast the spell quietly. When she was sure that everyone who could stop her and talk was asleep, she moved like a ninja to the crumbling shrine.
There, the turquoise statue of Mira stood, her eyes closed and her leg lifted as she was about to cry a phantom into existence, but had been frozen before her last birth. The statue hadn't changed even since Elvanto poisoned her.
Lisa took out Mira's stone, and rubbed it against the bronze. Fire slapped her, and she let go of the stone as it fused with the statue. The metal around it started to melt, and the outer shell crumbled to reveal the pure grey and brown bronze underneath, where it had frozen Mira just before she fell into a deep sleep.
"All hail to Mother Sky," she muttered as the coat slid off as easily as one would discard a T-shirt. Mira shook her head to get rid of her drowsiness. Lisa bowed, but Mira disregarded the gesture of respect. Mira always didn't like respect, because she gave all her respect to the ultimate creator of the cosmic powers, Zios. No god before him had existed, not even God, as the Jamaasians believed.
"Why did you summon me in my dreams?" Lisa asked Mira. "My dreams were pleasant enough sunbathing in Crystal Sands and boogieing with Captain Melville (my oh my, was he hunky when dreaming, Lisa thought) before you summoned me to the wilting willow tree. This message would better be good to sap Jamaa's powers for it, waking you before the right time, I mean." Mira didn't look impressed by Lisa's complaining.
"Necessity trumps ideals," Mira said. " Listen closely, because I am assigning a crucial mission to the African Alphas. The phantoms have unlocked the gate to my dreams in my temple, and therefore drain my energy through the gate. Only Otto, Ruby, Edmund and Cornelius together can find the key, and lock the door away forevermore."
Even when she spoke, Mira looked exhausted, and Lisa decided that they had about three days before Mira became a pure statue.
" As you wish, Mother Sky Of All Life." Lisa said, and dove into the woods just as dawn broke, splicing the stone from Mira and reenacting the curse.
"We have to go with this idiot!?!?" screeched Ruby and Edmund as Marco gently broke the news to them. Ruby and Edmund pointed at each other, hoof bending at hoof. Marco sighed.
"Yes, both of you. Swear on my implanted foot horns that you will cause no mischief." he said in a serious voice. Cosmo had once drilled metal thorns into Marco's feet, and now a gentle kick from him could dislocate your leg.
" We swear on Marco's stupid foot horns that we will cause ZERO mischief." Edmund and Ruby muttered reluctantly.
"I heard that!" Marco cried. Otto and Cornelius were packing in the room, and by the time that both Ruby and Edmund had brushed their teeth, they were ready for a two-day trip to the haunted ruins.
" A can of mace would be what the doctor ordered so that I can spray it on this idiot," Ruby and Edmund murmured at each other. When they heard the other's remark, they huffed and turned away. The rest of the trudge to the northern ruins was silent, even among Otto and Cornelius.
When they arrived, the Parthenon-style temple rose dauntingly before them, as if the entrance wanted to swallow the quartet. The inner courtyard was large, with many small temples inside and a exact replica of Mira's statue in the middle, but phantom sentries patrolled the entire border.
"What shall we do?" Edmund muttered.
" We can't kick our way out of this..." Cornelius added.
"...But we'll have to do some punching, too." Ruby and Otto muttered as they stood on two legs and got their paws ready for combat.
The initial battle was short-lived, as the Alphas had a larger pool of knowledge than the sentries, and soon dead globs of dark tears lay on the ground, slowly disintegrating into the fabric of time and space. They entered the gates,but with dismay entered only to see a gatekeeper's post.
"Greetings, young ones," the elder kestrel perched on a leg of the phantom-shaped wheel hissed. The eye inside of the rock peered in all directions, yearning for something beautiful to pop up in the courtyard.
" We are the Time Gatekeepers, servants of Mother Mira. However, the mistress is gone for now, and we cannot rid the temple of these pesky pests of phantoms." the stone frog babbled on the other arm. The mist coming from it's mouth spoke, and had some sort of specter's feel to it. A blue gem on it's fat belly swirled with mystery, sometimes glowing like a prism in light.
"So, is it riddle time?" Cornelius asked the Gatekeepers, ready for the first question.
"Very well, overgrown lizard. What runs around a field, but doesn't move and hurts the mind after a while?" the kestrel snarled, it's graying feathers ruffled by his rudeness.
" It's a fence, since it runs along a field's borders. It hurts the mind after some gazing from the interior, for the prisoner is maddened by being bound" Ruby said. The kestrel looked emotionless.
"Correct, Charger-and-Crocodile-Trampler. Now, for the next riddle." the stone frog said. Cornelius's back still ached where Ruby had trampled him.
"What plays but only speaks?" the kestrel asked them all.
"A loudspeaker!" Edmund cried.
"Correct,"the stone frog said, it's voice distant. The blue mist had been distracted by some yummy vines on the pillars.
"Finally, what spews smoke, is a mind-slave, and runs at 200 mph maximum?" the kestrel asked them. Clearly, it was a Twoleg item, because even its partner, the stone frog, looked baffled.
After moments of silence, Cornelius answered after Sophia had instructed him in Twoleg Studies.
"It's an automobile!" he cried. The kestrel smiled, and the frog looked amazed by his speed.
"You may pass, but beyond the wheel is danger. Rest here while you can, for you are locked here until you fulfill the full extent of your mission," the stone frog warned. The two spirits dissipated into a cool breeze, and flew away. The wheel turned, and it became a cross embedded in the soil. The cross seemed to radiate good, because all the phantoms were wary around it. One unlucky sentry got burned up getting too close.
"We shall rest,as the Time Gatekeepers are true to their word," Otto said. The other African Alphas followed his example without any defiance.
To be continued...
Hi! This is a legend about how Artic Wolves came to Jamaa. Enjoy!
How Artic Wolves came to Jamaa
How Artic Wolves came to Jamaa
Way past the limits of the amazing and magical land of Jamaa, there were smaller places that didn´t belong to Mira. There was a particular tundra, a snowy place, with a thick layer of snow at all times of the year and frozen lakes and high mountains full of permafrost. In this freezing land, there was a clan of Arctic Wolves, normal wolves who, to adapt to that habitat, over the years had grown long, thick white fur to help them with camouflage and to protect them from the cold.
In spring (if you could call it like that, for in that land even in the summer everything was covered in ice and snow) the cubs were born, and when they grew up they hunted lemmings and arctic hares for food, and sometimes they even got special treats if there were a lot of them, like caribou's.
So, in that clan that had been there for centuries, one of those happy springs were cubs and pups were born, two arctic wolves came to the world.
Daggerfangs was the apha male of the pack. He was a strong, fierce fighter, and could run faster and howl louder and leap higher than all the others in the clan. As his name said, he had fangs the size of daggers,This optimus male had a wife, a pretty wolf with pearly white fur and shiny, sharp claws, all the better for hunting with. Her name was Winterblossom, because she was as white and shiny and perfect as Winterblossoms, a very special indeed type of flower that grew only in the icy ground of that land. Winterblossom was the omega female of the pack.
So, one spring night, save in a den in the rocky side of a mountain, while outside it snowed and the air was alive with sleet, Winterblossom gave birth. Two pups had come to world.
Proud of being parents, Daggerfangs and Winterblossom thought about names for their cubs. They were a male and a female. In the end, they decided to call the female Frostyeyes, because she had glinting, pale blue eyes, just like the frost that formed on the licken outside.
It was more difficult with the male. His fur was a bit darker that everyone else´s. Most of the wolves in the pack had very faint grey fur, some, like Winterblossom and Frostyeyes, had pearly white fur, but this cub, Frostyeyes´s brother, had dark grey fur.
After suggesting names like Nightsky, Stormyfur and Iceshadow, Daggerfangs came up with the name Thunderstorm, and that was how they called the pup.
From the beggining of their lives, the twins were very different. Thunderstorm was hyperactive and brave from a very early age, a cute little Artic Wolf full of courage. On the other paw, Frostyeyess was a charming pup who was always thinking about something, and a creative female who loved making up stories.
Despite their differences, the sibblings really appreciated each other and liked inventing fun games to play together. Their favourite one they called "Dare Adventure" and it went like this: Frostyeyes invented an adventure story, and she dared her brother to recreate it the best he could, a job he always did really well.
They had even more fun when they started to go to cub school. Frostyeyes was smart and could sit still, calm and quiet, listening to the teacher and solving every maths problem like if she was a calculator. She always came top at Storywriting, and was also a born artist and a talented reader.
But her favourite time of the day was Storytime, when the teacher read to them a book, always full of wonderfull lands and characters and magic creatures. As soon as she learned how to read it was rare to see her without a book, for she read and read for hours on end.
But Thunderstorm was another story. He could not sit still for two minutes to save his life, and he wasn´t half hyperactive. He loved sports.
Once in the summer, when the weather was good enough to even sleep outside, the teacher took them out for some sports. They did some swimming, and then played Pawball to warm up, until it was time to run.
They were going to do normal races, about a hundred metres, to see who was fastest. "There is no need to try and see" said Stormyhair, a male cub with unussually long and ruffled fur. "We all know for sure who will win".
certainly, everyone knew it. Lightningclaws, the fastest cub in the pack. It was incredible when he ran, his paws moving at a tremendous speed and his claws barely gripping the ice.
So the race began. All the pups were standing behind a line, waiting for the teacher´s signal to start. Thunderstorm looked at Lightningclaws. There he stood, proud and vain, ready to show everyone (although they already knew it) how fast he could run.
"Ready, steady, GO" howled the teacher. There was a flash of shades of grey, as all the cubs sprinted across the track. Frostyeyes soon got tired and jogged along the track as she looked ahead. She thought she would see Lightningclaws, at the front, but he was second. And, on the lead, was Thunderstorm, treading along the track at the speed of a leopard, until he did one big leap and crossed the finishing line with majesty.
Everyone was quite impressed, especialy Lightningclaws, but it didn´t surprise the teacher. After all,
Thunderstorm was the son of Dagger`fangs, the fastest runner in the pack.
So time went by until the sibblings were old enough to catch their own prey. Thunderstorm was certainly a born hunter, who used his speed to catch a great amount of preys. Everyday he proudly brought lots of lemmings and ocassionaly a caribou, which he caught with his strenght.
But Frostyeyes, even if he didn´t get a big amount of preys, used her patience and inteligence to hunt extreamly difficult to catch but tasty animals, like fish, partridges and yaks.
Years passed and Thunderstorm and Frostyeyes kept on hunting, running, reading and enjoying themselves. But one day, the sky went black. Not dark grey like at night or whenthere was a storm like the ones Thunderstorm got his name from, but totally black, without a shiny moon to howl to or starts to make wishes. Completely black.
And suddenly, some spider-like electric creatures flew down. Frostyeyes pciked up the book she was reading: Ancient legends and history of the land of Jamaa. She enjoyed it a lot and loved reading about Zios the Sky Father and Mira the heron and the alphas, and she inmediatly recognised that thise creatures were phantoms, and she was aware of what they were capable of doing.
A phantom hoovered above the others and said: "Now, we officially take possesion of this land. Anyone want to contradict us?"
Nobody did. So, sad and depressed, they moved away from their home.
They didn´t know were to go. They were used to the cold and none of the places around them were suitable. They decided to go to Jamaa because they knew about Mt. Shiver. And they were convinced they would be well recieved.
They were right. mira and the alphas were delighted to see them and let them live in Mt. Shiver. But this new kind of animal didn´t have an alpha nor a spirit stone, so AJHQ just made them a gift card animal.
And until they grow up enough to be jammers, pups always make great pets.
Hope you liked that!
Birth of the Phantoms
By Animal Jam

Mira, the Sky Mother, was heartbroken after she lost her companion spirit, Zios, the Sky Father. Her feelings of sadness and anger fell to the ground as whisps of black fog, a dark substance that comes from the fabric of time. These 'tears' of Mira's spirit mixed with the elements of Jamaa and formed the dark mysterious phantoms that haunt this land today. Due to the sadness and anger that they were created from, the phantoms' only goal is to bring chaos and destruction to Jamaa.
~adapted AJ legend from an ancient Jamaasian text~
Harper's Beginning (Part 1)
By Snowyclaw
Not much is known of the seal shaman, Harper. What was her life like before she appeared so suddenly in Jamaa? Let's find out. . .
Chapter 1
"See that gathering of stars, my child?" the mother harp seal asked her daughter.
"Yes, mum," the pup replied.
"That is our spirit, the seal goddess Cithara. She is what gives all things beautiful to this frozen land. From her eyes shine the northern lights, from her sleek white fur comes the snow, from her silver claws the ice, and from her tail the endless currents of the ocean."
"How do you know she's there?"
"Cithara is always there, she is our protectress, our life-giver, and our guide wherever our travels take us. She lives within us, here on the ice, and in the realm of the ice spirits. We are her children, just as you are mine," the mother seal looked into the sky, her mind lost in the stars.
"You'll always be with me," the pup whispered, "right?"
"Sometimes you won't be able to see me, but I'll always be with you Harper."
"Always and forever."
Chapter 2
Forever did not last long. Though it felt like days the light never differed, and as hard as she searched, Harper could not see her mother in the dark waters of their breathing hole. Her mother had set out for a hunting trip and never returned. A tear slid down her face, freezing droplets forming in her snowy, white fur. Deep down Harper knew her mother was not coming back, and that's why she was different from the other seal pups. She was barely five days old, still pure white, certainly not a sleek, grey ten-day-old. Survival? Impossible. Heart heavy, but will strong, Harper set forth where no pup had gone before - the dark icy ocean. Harper gathered herself at the edge of the ice, stared into the dark depths, and plunged headfirst. She froze in shock, the icy chill of the ocean tearing at her with it's cruel talons, pulling her into its lair of everlasting sleep. Harper shook herself, even her spirit felt like it was shaking, but she at last woke up and felt her body stir. I escaped, but this won't be the last time I evade the jaws of death, Harper thought. Even with the first flick of her tail she fell in love with the icy, forbidding waters. She new this was her home, and where she was meant to be. What she didn't know was that because of her close call with the endless sleep, her snow white fur would never fall. Harper would forever be the white seal pup that slid into the depths of the sea and found . . . hope.
Chapter 3
As Harper grew older she changed; though her body stayed small her spirit grew. The currents of the ocean could barely keep up as she cut the water like a streak of white lightning. At a standstill below the ice her silky white fur would glimmer and float in beams of sunlight, making her seem like a vision to fellow seals. The dazzling moonlight shining through the Arctic ice led her eyes to glow like stars. Other harp seals generally kept away, awed and intimidated by the strangeness of the white seal. Harper was fine with that. She spent her days and nights alone, and in doing so discovered the magic of silence. She could hear the voices of the distant whales, the whisper of the wind above the arctic ice, and the murmur of the sea currents on their travels. One night, however, she heard something else. What is that . . . singing? Harper though. She slowly pushed herself up onto a thin ice sheet, listening keenly. Hearing nothing she sighed, looking up at the stars of Cithara, the seal goddess, that her mother had shown her long ago. One seemed to wink at her, when she felt something strange. There was a gentle pulse of sound that came from the stars, one not heard, but felt. Harper closed her eyes, and let her spirit stretch out into the sky and stars. A melody of gentle voices wove through the night; whispers of the past, present, and future brushed Harper's mind. She opened her starlit eyes in wonder. It's the seal spirits, they live in the stars. Mother was right, she is with me even now, always and forever.
Chapter 4
Seeing the vast inequality between the two-leg hunters and her kind, Harper vowed to find a way to teach them that seals were not the helpless creatures they appeared to be. The animal spirit two-legs hunted the seals to live, Harper could see that, but the pale two-legs did it for their fur. Harper could see that greed in their eyes when they killed a snow white pup with their hideous clubs. Where the pup died the snow was stained, not only with its blood, but with its mother's grief. The death spot of a seal pup was avoided by all seals, even those of different species. As the years swam by Harper grew stronger, she was an adult harp seal with pale white fur, stronger than any male of her kind, her brilliant grey eyes where unlike any other's. Harper was also born with strangely long claws and immensely strong front legs. This meant she could travel on ice as well as in the Arctic waters. Harper began to sharpen her claws on the ice, and along with their constant use, the outer black slowly wore down to show a brilliant silver that stayed needle sharp. Though she didn't notice, Harper became the embodiment of Cithara, the Seal goddess, to other seals. Legends were spun of her great adventures to the land of no-ice, incredible battles with rabid white bears and pale two-legs, as well as her kindness towards all seal species. Fiction and fact became one and the same, her stories would be passed down generations, never to be forgotten.
Chapter 5
The ice crackled under Harper's paws as she walked and slid along the arctic ice. The bright sky illuminated everything around her, nothing went unnoticed. Suddenly, a small figure appeared in the distance. Harper tensed, but continued forward until finding that it was an old, animal spirit two-leg, one she recognized as the medicine female of a nearby two-leg nest. Harper let the two-leg approach, warily stepping closer to another seal's breathing hole.
"Do not be afraid my child," the two-leg called, "I mean you no harm."
Harper froze. How can I understand her? She thought.
"The same way I can understand you, little one," spoke the two-leg calmly, "I also am of a seal spirit."
"Are you, perhaps, one of the spirt two-legs of the ice village?"Harper murmured hesitantly.
"Yes, strong one, I am what they call their shaman. A wound healer and a tale singer."
"Have you come for me, wise one?" said Harper, now emboldened by the honesty and kindness lining the words of the spirit shaman.
"Yes indeed, clever one," the two-leg smiled, "I'm here to guide you in what you need for the next world."
With that she slowly turned back to the direction from which she came, beginning to shuffle through the snow and ice. Harper stood a while, watching the spirited one, head tilted in thought. She blinked in surprise at her own decision. With the gentle push of the wind and the whisper of encouragement from the deep waters Harper set off; head help high and silver claws flashing, following the two-leg towards the frigid horizon.
The Beginning Continues . . . In Part 2
"Sometimes you won't be able to see me, but I'll always be with you Harper."
"Always and forever."
Chapter 2
Forever did not last long. Though it felt like days the light never differed, and as hard as she searched, Harper could not see her mother in the dark waters of their breathing hole. Her mother had set out for a hunting trip and never returned. A tear slid down her face, freezing droplets forming in her snowy, white fur. Deep down Harper knew her mother was not coming back, and that's why she was different from the other seal pups. She was barely five days old, still pure white, certainly not a sleek, grey ten-day-old. Survival? Impossible. Heart heavy, but will strong, Harper set forth where no pup had gone before - the dark icy ocean. Harper gathered herself at the edge of the ice, stared into the dark depths, and plunged headfirst. She froze in shock, the icy chill of the ocean tearing at her with it's cruel talons, pulling her into its lair of everlasting sleep. Harper shook herself, even her spirit felt like it was shaking, but she at last woke up and felt her body stir. I escaped, but this won't be the last time I evade the jaws of death, Harper thought. Even with the first flick of her tail she fell in love with the icy, forbidding waters. She new this was her home, and where she was meant to be. What she didn't know was that because of her close call with the endless sleep, her snow white fur would never fall. Harper would forever be the white seal pup that slid into the depths of the sea and found . . . hope.
Chapter 3
As Harper grew older she changed; though her body stayed small her spirit grew. The currents of the ocean could barely keep up as she cut the water like a streak of white lightning. At a standstill below the ice her silky white fur would glimmer and float in beams of sunlight, making her seem like a vision to fellow seals. The dazzling moonlight shining through the Arctic ice led her eyes to glow like stars. Other harp seals generally kept away, awed and intimidated by the strangeness of the white seal. Harper was fine with that. She spent her days and nights alone, and in doing so discovered the magic of silence. She could hear the voices of the distant whales, the whisper of the wind above the arctic ice, and the murmur of the sea currents on their travels. One night, however, she heard something else. What is that . . . singing? Harper though. She slowly pushed herself up onto a thin ice sheet, listening keenly. Hearing nothing she sighed, looking up at the stars of Cithara, the seal goddess, that her mother had shown her long ago. One seemed to wink at her, when she felt something strange. There was a gentle pulse of sound that came from the stars, one not heard, but felt. Harper closed her eyes, and let her spirit stretch out into the sky and stars. A melody of gentle voices wove through the night; whispers of the past, present, and future brushed Harper's mind. She opened her starlit eyes in wonder. It's the seal spirits, they live in the stars. Mother was right, she is with me even now, always and forever.
Chapter 4
Seeing the vast inequality between the two-leg hunters and her kind, Harper vowed to find a way to teach them that seals were not the helpless creatures they appeared to be. The animal spirit two-legs hunted the seals to live, Harper could see that, but the pale two-legs did it for their fur. Harper could see that greed in their eyes when they killed a snow white pup with their hideous clubs. Where the pup died the snow was stained, not only with its blood, but with its mother's grief. The death spot of a seal pup was avoided by all seals, even those of different species. As the years swam by Harper grew stronger, she was an adult harp seal with pale white fur, stronger than any male of her kind, her brilliant grey eyes where unlike any other's. Harper was also born with strangely long claws and immensely strong front legs. This meant she could travel on ice as well as in the Arctic waters. Harper began to sharpen her claws on the ice, and along with their constant use, the outer black slowly wore down to show a brilliant silver that stayed needle sharp. Though she didn't notice, Harper became the embodiment of Cithara, the Seal goddess, to other seals. Legends were spun of her great adventures to the land of no-ice, incredible battles with rabid white bears and pale two-legs, as well as her kindness towards all seal species. Fiction and fact became one and the same, her stories would be passed down generations, never to be forgotten.
Chapter 5
The ice crackled under Harper's paws as she walked and slid along the arctic ice. The bright sky illuminated everything around her, nothing went unnoticed. Suddenly, a small figure appeared in the distance. Harper tensed, but continued forward until finding that it was an old, animal spirit two-leg, one she recognized as the medicine female of a nearby two-leg nest. Harper let the two-leg approach, warily stepping closer to another seal's breathing hole.
"Do not be afraid my child," the two-leg called, "I mean you no harm."
Harper froze. How can I understand her? She thought.
"The same way I can understand you, little one," spoke the two-leg calmly, "I also am of a seal spirit."
"Are you, perhaps, one of the spirt two-legs of the ice village?"Harper murmured hesitantly.
"Yes, strong one, I am what they call their shaman. A wound healer and a tale singer."
"Have you come for me, wise one?" said Harper, now emboldened by the honesty and kindness lining the words of the spirit shaman.
"Yes indeed, clever one," the two-leg smiled, "I'm here to guide you in what you need for the next world."
With that she slowly turned back to the direction from which she came, beginning to shuffle through the snow and ice. Harper stood a while, watching the spirited one, head tilted in thought. She blinked in surprise at her own decision. With the gentle push of the wind and the whisper of encouragement from the deep waters Harper set off; head help high and silver claws flashing, following the two-leg towards the frigid horizon.
The Beginning Continues . . . In Part 2
The Forgotten Story
By Snowyclaw
The wind danced with the sand in the thin air of the forgotten plains. Mira stood on the crest of a high dune, proud and tall, but almost transparent with exhaustion. Thousands of years fighting the darkness can leave even the strongest of spirits without the strength to go on. With this encounter, however, Mira had something different, something she had been saving for a time such as this.
This would be the end.
Her bright eyes watched the horizon patiently, watching as the darkness invaded the sky, shadows rippling along the sand at a breathless pace. A looming eye surrounded by a swirling darkness rose about the earth, invading the blue of the desert sky. An involuntary shiver ran down the grey heron's spine as she watched the hideous thing she created so long ago creep toward the sandy hilltop she stood upon. A laugh echoed along the plains.
"Give up mother," the phantom boomed "all is lost."
Mira shook her head, eyes never leaving the creature. "I am not the mother of one such as you," she replied, "you were born of hate and pain, and so do not belong here."
A gleeful giggle, one not fit for the ears of any sane creature, erupted from the darkness. "Oh but you are. You created me. When Zios left this world you hated him so; he left you alone didn't he?"
Mira lifted her wings high, "I was angered, but that is but an emotion. You are the embodiment of despair, and so do not belong in this land."
"And you expect to stop me, after all this time? Foolish bird."
It was the spirit's turn to laugh. "I am not finished yet dark shadow. As you said, you are part of me, and what am I but the earth?" Mira's wings began to flap at a dizzying rate as she rose, twisting and turning on the howling wind. Sand rose in a cyclone, engulfing Mira and the phantom.
"NO!" the phantom bellowed, "YOU CANNOT BIND ME!"
The spirit that was once a grey heron whirled through to sky, rising to the clouds and gently falling to earth. With one last shrill scream of rage the phantom dissipated, the shadows it was once made of raced away along the sand. The sand fell and the plains lay empty. Nothing but the gentle whisper of the wind was left on the empty landscape.
And so Mira fell, but is she gone? No, she lies within the earth. Within the sky. She is part of everything in Jamaa, just as we are a part of her. She is proud of our strength and watches over us. Perhaps you'll catch glimpses of her spirit from time to time. The shadows remain as well, but not strong enough to emerge on their own. They grasp at the minds of the weak and the petty, but jamaasians are always there to fight the darkness. Mira and Zios fight as well, though they reside in a place beyond sight. Sometimes we can feel them as they fight the shadows, the earth rumbles and lightning flashes. Even the earth boils over in Jamaa's highest mountains in their struggle. Mira, Zios, the shamans, and us. Those that inhabit Jamaa. We all play a part in the fight against the darkness, and we will continue. The war may never end, but that doesn't mean that it isn't worth fighting.
The End
Greely's Beginning
By Snowyclaw
All Jammers know of Greely, the dark wolf shaman, but what was he like in his early years; before magic, before Jamaa.
Chapter 1
The wind ruffled his fur as Greely stood on the grassy hill. Far below was a caribou herd, one that, luckily enough, stumbled right into pack territory. Darting in the shadows were the hunters, the swiftest and strongest of the pack, who brought down the large kill. These were the subordinate, directed by the beta they circled around the sick caribou separated from the herd, then the alpha gave the signal. Greely stepped forward.
"Get back here pup!" Growled the omega.
"I don't take orders from the omega," Greely snapped, glaring at the pale grey wolf. "I'm almost eight moons old, old enough to join in the pack hunts, I'm not a pup anymore."
The wolf winced at the cold fury in the young one's eyes. Legends of the sight, the power to see beyond, flashed through his mind, legends of dark wolves knowing dark magic...
"I'll be beta before you know it, then you'll regret treating me like a pup," Greely stalked off to the cave, joining his sister. Something moved in the corner of his eye, whipping around he found nothing. The omega looked nervous and wouldn't look at him directly.
The rest of the pack returned soon after, giving up meat for those not in the hunt.
One wolf stood on moon watch as the pack drifted to sleep, Greely slept at the mouth of the den, under the stars.
Chapter 2
It was dark when Greely awoke, but he felt restless. He stepped lightly out of the den, making no sound. Greely murmured a greeting to the moon watcher, but he didn't turn around. Asleep are we? Greely chuckled to himself, ready to pounce on his pack-mate. Then he jumped through him. Yelping in surprise he looked at his paws; they were were made of a dark mist, not solid. His body looked asleep in the den. Is this a dream? Greely wondered. He spent the entire moonrise exploring the territory, never getting tired and never need to pause to catch his breath. Sometimes his mist shape would be wolf, other times a bird, but most of the time a shadow, melting into the landscape. As moonset came he wandered back to the den, gleeful from the freedom he experienced. Suddenly it was there again, something in the peripherals of his vision. He tried to catch sight of it, but it disappeared when he faced it. What if... Greely focused his outer eye on the den, while his inner eye roamed. This was the true sight, seeing things beyond, seeing the fabric of time and space. There was a tear in that fabric, and through it Greely could see dark and light, shadows and mist. He felt pulled toward it, like he was part of it. Looking back to the den he saw his pack and knew he must make a choice.
Chapter 3
Greely knew where he belonged now. Stepping through the fabric he felt his shape give way, and felt the life he once knew end. Now a shadow in the mist. A grey heron formed from the mist, somehow he was not surprised.
"What is your business shadow?" The heron murmured.
"I belong here, I am a dark wolf." Greely replied, the heron looked taken aback.
"Then you are the one foretold, welcome to the new land. I am Mira, the Sky Mother."
Greely felt the mist clear and found himself a wolf once more, yet still part shadow. He felt the magic of the Canyons fill his veins, filling him with a powerful energy. He could feel the aura of the world strengthen against his shadow magic, and he knew that his time had come.
The End of the Beginning
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