WELCOME to the Great Project!!!!
Due to laziness, I will write the Great project in parts.
Hope you enjoy this Christmas special!
Due to laziness, I will write the Great project in parts.
Hope you enjoy this Christmas special!
All was silent apart from the laughter that rang out in the StoneClan camp. Only two were wide awake, having some fun of their own. But next door, an unhappy couple tossed and turned in their bed. That couple were IronClaw and StoneHeart.
The laughter came from Olivia and CaptainGuts room. The unhappy couple, unknown to the rest of the Clan, got out of their bed to see what their leaders were doing. StoneHeart knocked on the timber door. From inside the cozy home, Olivia called
"Just a second!"
IronClaws, being the moody wolf he is, muttered
"I dont have time for this!"
And almost threw the door off its hinges. Olivia, startled, awkwardly covered herself with her arms and tail, turned into a hawk and flew to Canyons Pathway.
Back at camp, StoneHeart and IronClaws were glued to the spot, shellshocked at the scene that had just unravled before their eyes.
StoneHeart stammered an apology, grabbed IronClaws' paw and dragged him next door.
Through the wall, CaptainGut heard the argument, you moody this, be patient that. There was a short pause.
"But baby"
He took her paws before continuing,
"Its who and what I am"
StoneHeart let go of his paws, went to the ledge outside and sat on it. Her hindpaws dangling below. IronClaws came and sat by her.
"Look," he said,
"You know how hard its been for me. What with MidnightTalon being turned into a Phantom by The Phantom King and learning she has a mate T.P.K's son." He paused before saying,
"Buts its getting better, as long as I've you"
IronClaws finally said smiling. StoneHeart turned and gazed into is bright, golden eyes before admitting,
"I know, I love you. And im behind you every step of the way."
She gave him a peck on the cheek, hugged him and went on a night hunt, hoping to catch something.
Back in Canyons Pathway, Olivia had decided to stay for awhile. The snow had brought back many memories of the life she had left. CaptainGut emerged, sorrow played his face. He explained how BloodFang, a BloodClan queen, had returned from a meeting with BloodStar, her mate, to find one of her kits dead, and leaning over him was BlackClaws.
The dead kit was StormKit, a beautiful light-grey he-wolf his sea blue eyes were always ablaze with stars.
Once hearing this tragic information Olivia turned into her warrior cheetah and bolted through to the camp.
In the camp, BloodFang was hunkered down, her face in her paws, crying sorrowfully. Comforting her was FoxThorn, a sleek fox looking he-wolf.
Olivia carried the three kits to the KitDen to warm them up. Once she returned, she asked BloodFang to come into her den.
"Err... sorry 'bout the mess...." She quickly grabbed the stuff and shoved it into the wardrobe.
"So, explain in full what happened. The more you give the more we got." BloodFang told the story again, but this time she gave light on something unknown to the clans,
"I dont get why BlackClaws would do that, afterall he is kin" Olivia, drinking a mug of hot chocolate, immediately spat out the contents in her mouth.
"He's your brother! Well, it must be a power thing. Who would kill their kins kit?"
"Well, im not really sure. But, I've got to go feed the kits now. Bye, and thank you, really, thank you for letting me stay here."
The next month was hard, the snow had been piling up in Jamaa, and Olivia had began growing in size. By now, her scent had changed and it was of obvious concern to her, her deputies and CaptainGut of a needed explanation and a visit to RedFeather's den.
RedFeather had easily pointed out the reason of her mounting in size, once hearing of the awkward situation that had previously occurred. Olivia was going to be a mother.
She muttered something under her breath before storming out towards her den. Grabbing her pair of Dre. Beats headphones she set off to Jamaa. Harry caught up with her just before she left the camp,
"You goin' Jamaa?"
"Can I come? I havn't seen much other than what I saw on our way through.
They padded in silence for what seemed like forever until Harry said,
"StarrySkies told me that when a she-wolf is larger and her scent changes, she's you know..."
"Your scents both changed are you..."
He made a bloted fat dude sign. Olivia looked at him,
"What do you think?"
"Right. happy now?"
Again, they padded in silence for another minute before reaching Siperia Forest,
"We meet here in 30, kay?"
Harry nodded.
Olivia set off towards Jamaa Township where she'd then go to Mt. Shivver and Harry, unsure of where to go, followed her to J.T (Jamaa Township). He entered Jam Mart Clothing and bought a sword for the price of 10 gems due to the face the shop assistant thought he was cute. Upon exiting J.M.C (Jam Mart Clothing) and walking the short distance to the Diamond Shop, he saw StarrySkies kissing Night Storm, a black hewolf (duh!) with greeny-grey eyes. He saw Harry, stepped back and tripped over a kit. StarrySkies, shocked, said weekly
"Harry, im sorry, please..."
but her final words were drowned out by the buzz in J.T for Harry had already left.
Racing to reach the top of Mt. Shivver, Harry had plenty of time to think why StarrySkies would break his heart, and to how long this 'affair' was going on. Once he got to the top, Olivia was sitting on the tip of the great mountain.
"Um, Olivia, we've got to go"
They flew back to camp and went their separate ways, Olivia to her den and Harry to the top of the great oak tree in the center of camp.
Later that night, Olivia had forsaw a great battle, but the reason for this battle was unknown. An evil cackle echoed around the camp, waking its residents. The warriors grabbed their weapons and leaped out their den, only to hear the laughter growing fainter and fainter. Inside Olivia's den, Luna, her friend appeared, suited up in armour,
"Olivia, I will take your first born kit and raise it as my own, since, you beat me in our little duel..."
"Wait what?"
"In our duel, you beat me. So im travelling back in time to take your first born kit and raise it as my own, just so it can kill you."
Captain Gut burst into the room, the cold air dissolving her leaving mist.
"What was that?"
"Shes taking my... my first born kit, to get back at me at something that hasn't even happened yet..." Olivia replied in a feeble voice,
"We'll get the Alpha's to help prevent her doing that, and the other Clans, it'll be alright...." his soft words comforted her, and so, she fell asleep on his shoulder.
The laughter came from Olivia and CaptainGuts room. The unhappy couple, unknown to the rest of the Clan, got out of their bed to see what their leaders were doing. StoneHeart knocked on the timber door. From inside the cozy home, Olivia called
"Just a second!"
IronClaws, being the moody wolf he is, muttered
"I dont have time for this!"
And almost threw the door off its hinges. Olivia, startled, awkwardly covered herself with her arms and tail, turned into a hawk and flew to Canyons Pathway.
Back at camp, StoneHeart and IronClaws were glued to the spot, shellshocked at the scene that had just unravled before their eyes.
StoneHeart stammered an apology, grabbed IronClaws' paw and dragged him next door.
Through the wall, CaptainGut heard the argument, you moody this, be patient that. There was a short pause.
"But baby"
He took her paws before continuing,
"Its who and what I am"
StoneHeart let go of his paws, went to the ledge outside and sat on it. Her hindpaws dangling below. IronClaws came and sat by her.
"Look," he said,
"You know how hard its been for me. What with MidnightTalon being turned into a Phantom by The Phantom King and learning she has a mate T.P.K's son." He paused before saying,
"Buts its getting better, as long as I've you"
IronClaws finally said smiling. StoneHeart turned and gazed into is bright, golden eyes before admitting,
"I know, I love you. And im behind you every step of the way."
She gave him a peck on the cheek, hugged him and went on a night hunt, hoping to catch something.
Back in Canyons Pathway, Olivia had decided to stay for awhile. The snow had brought back many memories of the life she had left. CaptainGut emerged, sorrow played his face. He explained how BloodFang, a BloodClan queen, had returned from a meeting with BloodStar, her mate, to find one of her kits dead, and leaning over him was BlackClaws.
The dead kit was StormKit, a beautiful light-grey he-wolf his sea blue eyes were always ablaze with stars.
Once hearing this tragic information Olivia turned into her warrior cheetah and bolted through to the camp.
In the camp, BloodFang was hunkered down, her face in her paws, crying sorrowfully. Comforting her was FoxThorn, a sleek fox looking he-wolf.
Olivia carried the three kits to the KitDen to warm them up. Once she returned, she asked BloodFang to come into her den.
"Err... sorry 'bout the mess...." She quickly grabbed the stuff and shoved it into the wardrobe.
"So, explain in full what happened. The more you give the more we got." BloodFang told the story again, but this time she gave light on something unknown to the clans,
"I dont get why BlackClaws would do that, afterall he is kin" Olivia, drinking a mug of hot chocolate, immediately spat out the contents in her mouth.
"Well, im not really sure. But, I've got to go feed the kits now. Bye, and thank you, really, thank you for letting me stay here."
The next month was hard, the snow had been piling up in Jamaa, and Olivia had began growing in size. By now, her scent had changed and it was of obvious concern to her, her deputies and CaptainGut of a needed explanation and a visit to RedFeather's den.
RedFeather had easily pointed out the reason of her mounting in size, once hearing of the awkward situation that had previously occurred. Olivia was going to be a mother.
She muttered something under her breath before storming out towards her den. Grabbing her pair of Dre. Beats headphones she set off to Jamaa. Harry caught up with her just before she left the camp,
"You goin' Jamaa?"
"Can I come? I havn't seen much other than what I saw on our way through.
They padded in silence for what seemed like forever until Harry said,
"StarrySkies told me that when a she-wolf is larger and her scent changes, she's you know..."
"Your scents both changed are you..."
He made a bloted fat dude sign. Olivia looked at him,
"What do you think?"
"Right. happy now?"
Again, they padded in silence for another minute before reaching Siperia Forest,
"We meet here in 30, kay?"
Harry nodded.
Olivia set off towards Jamaa Township where she'd then go to Mt. Shivver and Harry, unsure of where to go, followed her to J.T (Jamaa Township). He entered Jam Mart Clothing and bought a sword for the price of 10 gems due to the face the shop assistant thought he was cute. Upon exiting J.M.C (Jam Mart Clothing) and walking the short distance to the Diamond Shop, he saw StarrySkies kissing Night Storm, a black hewolf (duh!) with greeny-grey eyes. He saw Harry, stepped back and tripped over a kit. StarrySkies, shocked, said weekly
"Harry, im sorry, please..."
but her final words were drowned out by the buzz in J.T for Harry had already left.
Racing to reach the top of Mt. Shivver, Harry had plenty of time to think why StarrySkies would break his heart, and to how long this 'affair' was going on. Once he got to the top, Olivia was sitting on the tip of the great mountain.
"Um, Olivia, we've got to go"
They flew back to camp and went their separate ways, Olivia to her den and Harry to the top of the great oak tree in the center of camp.
Later that night, Olivia had forsaw a great battle, but the reason for this battle was unknown. An evil cackle echoed around the camp, waking its residents. The warriors grabbed their weapons and leaped out their den, only to hear the laughter growing fainter and fainter. Inside Olivia's den, Luna, her friend appeared, suited up in armour,
"Olivia, I will take your first born kit and raise it as my own, since, you beat me in our little duel..."
"Wait what?"
"In our duel, you beat me. So im travelling back in time to take your first born kit and raise it as my own, just so it can kill you."
Captain Gut burst into the room, the cold air dissolving her leaving mist.
"What was that?"
"Shes taking my... my first born kit, to get back at me at something that hasn't even happened yet..." Olivia replied in a feeble voice,
"We'll get the Alpha's to help prevent her doing that, and the other Clans, it'll be alright...." his soft words comforted her, and so, she fell asleep on his shoulder.
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